Here's a diplexer I built about 20 years ago (time flies when you're having fun). It allowed me to transmit on 146 MHz FM using about 10 Watt & at the same time listen to AM & (more surprisingly) FM radio. The AM/FM radio emitted a click as I hit the transmit button, but otherwise worked fine. This diplexer has outlived two cars & co-existed peacefully with AM/FM radios in both. It allowed me to play ham radio without driving around under a mobile aerial farm. It is currently awaiting the purchase of another car. The diplexer is guaranteed to be environmentally friendly and completely invisible to YLs & XYLs. (and it doesn't contain PCBs ;-) The only disadvantage is that you will have to adjust it for: 1. Minimum feedthrough to the AM/FM radio & 2. Best SWR (better than 1.2:1 in my case) & 3. The AM antenna trimmer on the radio will need to be re-peaked for best reception in the upper part of the AM broadcast band. 73, de Phil Rice VK3BHR from the land of OZ (Australia) PS Have fun. ASCII art follows..... \|/ | | | C < 0.25 wavelength > +----------||-------=========================>> 50 Ohm coax to 146Mhz. rig | || || | || || +---- || || Stub lengths adjusted L | || || to minimise SWR L === C S/C || See ARRL or RSGB handbooks L | || for "Two Stub Tuner" +---- || | S/C | +--------+----+----->> to AM/FM Car radio | | | L | | L | | L | | | | | All C's are about 10 to 15 pF air spaced trimmers | --- --- (not too high or the AM tuner gets deaf at 1.6 MHz.) === C \ / / \ The L's are about 6 turns, 0.25 inch ID 0.5 inch long | --- --- Both the series & parallel tuned circuits are resonant | | | at 146MHz +--------+----+ Diodes are 1N914's just in case some RF sneaks through. | ----- --- -