Bendigo Amateur Radio and Electronics Club
Special Interest Group
on Microprocessors
- Circada - A frequency agile CW transceiver : DC Rx, Class E Tx
- L/C Meter project (using a PIC 16F628)
- Updated Frequency Meter
- Frequency Meter with morse code output
- VK3JST presentation of 14 June - A VFO Stabiliser for older rigs
- Lithium Ion Charger for Medical 11.1 volt batteries.
Raspberry Pi
The Official Arduino Site.
The home of MicroChip.
Software Defined Radio
Electronic Parts Suppliers
- Bendigo Electronics (local Jaycar agent)
- Jaycar Electronics
- Rockby Electronics
- Radio Spares
- Element14, formerly Farnell
Some Javascript calculators
- Integer base converter
- Convert a Real number to Microchip 24 bit Floating Point
- Convert a Microchip 24 bit Floating point number to a Real number
- Class E PA designer (Based on the work of Nathan Sokal WA1HQC)
- Matching network Designer (by John Wetherell)
Data Search (local)
Just enter a fragment of some badly remembered part number. Don't worry about the case of the letters.
VK3BHR Archive
Archive of VK3BHR's original web site All ERRORS are the fault of VK3BHR, so is the bad web design